Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is something that gets a softball team pumped up before a game?

I have an amazing softball team but we don't always play our hardest. What are some things that could help us get pumped up before a game?|||Make a speech. "Girls, I just heard from the manager of the other team that we're too pretty to play AND win. I just want you to know that I think we can beat their ugly asses if you want to."

It's a lie, but it's been done before and it might work.|||I believe motivation starts in practice. Talk to your players and see what pumps them up. Give them challenging drills so they give value to what they're training for.|||What we do is listen to our ipods before games to any song that we like. and the coach talks tp us before games in a little huddle.|||Detroit's Olde Englyshe capital "D".|||speeches and music. that will get 'em pumped up!

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