Friday, December 2, 2011


next year i'm goin to do softball anyone know what i should work on? so for i do runing and piching what is there?|||You really need to work on your eye-hand coordination. My favorite drill was to take a tennis ball and throw it against a wall to work on fielding. Change your distance to the wall in order to work on different types of plays. To work on "short hops" stand close (3-5 ft) and field the ball on just one hop. This is great for your reflexes as well. Remember to have fun, it's a great game!! BTW, I played for 13 years and earned several awards.|||A really BIG one you should work on is throwing and back and forth.


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|||man bunt drill ... 2 tossers, each with a ball, 1 batter. Alternate who pitches and bunter must bunt back to the one that pitched the ball.

Diamond drill ... Place 4 balls between each base, have 4 girls at the pitchers mound, on GO all girls run and pick up one ball and throw it the next base. They then run to the center, touch the pitchers mound and run to the next set of balls. Example for one girl: At the mound, I run to the balls between home %26amp; 1st, pick one up and throw it to 1st; run back to the mound then on to the balls between 1st %26amp; 2nd; pick one up and throw it to 2nd; run back to the mound then on to the balls between 2nd %26amp; 3rd; pick one up and throw it to 3rd; run back to the mound then on to the balls between 3rd %26amp; home; pick one up and throw it to home and run to the mound to finish 1st. The fielders at each base are now the runners and the runners have a break while a new crew fields balls at the bases.

Infield Hustle Drill with the machine at home plate. Equal lines of athletes at 3rd, SS, 2nd, and 1st. Everyone throws to 1st base. With the machine, drop to 3rd, she throws and goes to the back of the SS line; immediately drop a ball to a new girl at SS, she throws and goes to the back of the line at 2nd; immediately drop a ball to a new girl at 2nd, she throws and goes to the back of the line at 1st; make sure the girl at 1st has fielded the ball from the 2nd baseman before dropping the ball out of the machine to her. As they leave 1st, they run around behind me at the plate, and tell me how many errors they have. When they get three errors, they are out of the game and it gets interesting.

Outfield Hustle Drill with the machine at home plate. All balls are fly balls because of the rapid action and because there is an infielder at each base. Everyone else is lined up in the left field out of bounds area ... 1 gal in left field. With the machine, drop a fly ball to left; let her throw the ball to 3rd and start running to center and drop a ball to center and another one to a new girl in left; let the 1st girl throw the ball to 2nd and start running to right and drop a ball to right, center, and left; keep dropping balls right, center, %26amp; left; until everyone is in the right field foul territory until everyone is over there and we do the same thing coming back.

Rapid fire drill - hit to infielders %26amp; outfielders ... anyone can hit 30 balls to each player and they throw every 5th ball to designated area. Lots of hitting all going on at once.

3 second drill - throwing a lost ball. Stand behind runner, drop a ball into her ankle, gently, she pivots, locates ball and throws into partner's glove ... she has 3 seconds (counting aloud) to get the ball into the glove. The distance throwing is across the infield.

Run bases - jog even, sprint odd, minimum 10, everyone runs.

3 man pivot drill - catch, pivot, throw. Three to a line ... Spread out over your whole field, and do throwing races.

#1 ... just throw from 1-2-3-2-1 and first one back wins.

#2 ... throw 3 times down and back for a winner.

#3 ... make them think; 1-3-2-3-1-2-3-1.

And whatever other fun throwing relays you can come up with.

Free Hitting #1 ... Batter tosses and hits to fielders

Free Hitting #2 ... Another player soft tosses to hitter

Free Hitting #3 ... Three pitchers and 2 hitting stations off the field left and right, these are bunting stations.

Catch, run and throw drill (follow the ball); triangle to left and triangle to right. Players needed: LF, 2 2nds, 3rd, 1st, RF, 2 Catchers, and extras split and waiting to go into LF or RF. Here is how it works: You take a ball from catcher on the 3rd base side and hit to LF, as soon as she catches the ball she throws to 2nd who throws to 3rd who throws back to the catcher. As soon as the ball was caught by the LFer, you immedately get a ball from the catcher on the 1st base side and hit a ball to the RF who throws to 2nd who throws to 1st and who throws to the catcher. Each girl who throws a ball, follows that ball and runs to the next position to field. After they rotate in to the catcher position, they rotate to the opposite field. Example of one player: LF, 2nd, 3rd, Cat, run over %26amp; stand in the line for RF, RF, 2nd 1st,Cat, run over %26amp; stand in the line for LF; Repeat; You as the hitter, just keep hitting balls to the LF and RF and LF and RF and duck once in a while.

Second base toss for double play drill. Line at 2nd %26amp; SS; start sitting and rolling the ball, back up to hit with bat from the plate. Throw the ball quickly to every girl at SS and just give them enough time to throw the ball for a double play and get to the back of the 2nd basemans line. First base is a stationary girl. Then throw all balls to the 2nd and give strategy hints while the drills goes. Back up and hit balls.

Backhanders - throw to backhand, 25 each-rotate, (2 people, 2 balls)

Throw from knees .. warm up drill

3 outs drill, we always play 3 outs before going in for the day. You hit a ball wherever you want and if it is a hit, still 3 outs, if it is an out, we need 2 more to go in and if it is an error, we need 4 outs to go in. Add an out on errors and subtract an out on outs. I always finish with a very hard hit to 3rd. The team encourages her a great deal to get the ball because we can go home.

Catcher full gear and 1st with shin guards. Throw in the dirt in front of each player. Everyone throws from pitcher area to stations.

Around the horn, 4 man teams, timed on 2 laps.

Quick release, 2 lines with partners opposite each other, first 2 athletes to 20 win, then rotate everyone to the right so they have a new partner.

Funnel drills--bare handed, then with glove. Throwing then batting. You can also use ping pong paddles with rubber tubing around the paddle to hold it onto the hand.

Infield footwork drill....slide right, left, right, up, etc. Outfielders are running angles back and left or back and right.

Machine hitting: Points for the following #1 you call no pulling allowed; #2 you call only pulling allowed; #3 you call only line drives allowed;

Machine hitting: bunts with bats as boundaries; a good bunt is a single, a bunt in zone 2 drawn in the dirt and you run to 2nd; a bunt in zone 3 and you run to 3rd; a missed or fouled off bunt and you run all the way around. Each player get only one ball, runs, and back into line.

Machine hitting: spray paint some balls blue and some red. Hide the balls when you drop them in the machine. Batters must: Bunt the blue; Take the red; Hit away on the white balls.

Pickle drills ... You throw the ball whenever you want them trapped and work on your coverage.

Running drill #1 -- read coaches signs at 3rd (go, stand up, slide).

Running drill #2 -- everyone lines up on the line between home and 1st and watches the coach; they take a lead-off as though the ball has been pitched and if the coach points at the 1st base side they dive back (everyone) and if the coach points to left field they sprint across the infield to the line between 2nd and 3rd. Do the same thing coming back.

Defense - 1st throw back, lets it go through. Check to see if your backup player is there.

Defense - 1st fielder lets it go through. We are checking to see if our 2nd fielder is there.

Ball handling skills:

a. Partners run away from you on go; you throw ball; they locate %26amp; catch

b. Toss from behind over their head; they locate %26amp; catch

c. Toss to the side, facing the coach, alt. left or right, they dive %26amp; catch

Hitting off twirly balls when ground is wet. Everyone wears a helmet. If you drill a hole in a softball, you can put a heavy hank of rope thru the hole and tie a knot at both end of the hole, next to the ball. You can now spin the rope and use it for hitting practice. Rope must finish six to eight feet long.

Signs ... Athletes give signs to each other

Indian run drill; groups of 4 jog in a straight line and only the #1 gal has a ball; whenever she wants to, she tosses it straight up, #2 catches it and becomes #1 and the gal that tossed the ball goes to the back of the line. They jog all over the field.

here are some drills that my father taught me when i wanted to move on and they helped me alot

Pitchers pitch to the wall and practice fielding.

Hit whiffle golf balls with broom sticks. Use left hand only, then right hand only, and both hands with full swing. Also put the broom stick behind your back and swing with the hips and the elbows are holding the stick.

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