Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to hide a cartilage piercing for softball?

I pierced my cartilage today and play softball year 'round. I was hoping someone could give me some tips on hiding it because I'd rather not have the umpires see it. Please, I have a game tomorrow !|||Cut a bandaid or use one of the small round ones to put over it. I've seen it done all the time. If u don't want to do that, buy a clear earring to replace it.|||They have clear plastic earring at piercing shops called retainers they aren't super fun but if you want your piercing wear it till it's healed then you can jut wear it for practice and switch it up :)

1 comment:

  1. ok so im thinking about getting my helix pierced but im scared for the healing process bc im in softball and when ever i take my helmet off its gonna pull at my ear what do i do.... oh and my umps arent to stricked about jewlery
