Saturday, November 19, 2011

How can I get extremely good at softball?

I love softball and I'm really good at it , but my coach still tells me to work on it. What am I doing wrong?|||tape your swing and pitching,then ask your coach what youre doing wrong,or maybe someone else that knows about the correct hitting and pitching mechanics|||Well theres absolutly no way for me to help you because I havnt seen you play. All I can tell you is listen to your coach and practice hard and you will be alot better.|||I can't tell you how what your doing wrong, i've never seen you play. You should ask your coach what it is your doing wrong specificly and work on those things.|||well i can't give you any tips since I haven't seen you play but I would suggest getting in contact with an upper level team and see if you could hire a trainer or something. we just had a group from florida tech come and help out my jv and varsity teams|||have you ever considered needle point ?|||Well when you bat you should stand like this. Then put your arm like this and your elbow up like this. Put your feet like this and do this. Then move this way and like this. Then do this and this...and this... Then make sure your swing is like this.

Hope this helps.

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